Anchor Tags
How to use anchor tags to set up in-page navigation on Pages
Anchor tags allow you to set up navigation that jumps to a Section on your Page. This guide walks you through how to add them to an existing Page.
Under 'Project Tools' find the Page you wish to add anchor tags to and click on 'Page Builder'

Navigate to the Menu Widget on your Page. If you don't already have one added to your Page, please add a Menu Widget.
Click 'Menu' to open up the menu settings.
In the Title field, add the title of the link you wish to show in the Header Widget navigation panel. Example: Engagements
In the URL field, add the name of the anchor tag the title should point to on the page with a # placed before the tag. Example: #engagements

Note: You will receive an 'Invalid URL' notice when you enter the # in the URL field, however this can be ignored.
Once you've completed the Header Widget edits above, you can now point to the Section you'd like the anchor tag to jump to.
To do this, click on 'Section Settings' in the relevant Section on your page. (For further help setting up Sections within Pages, see our Page Builder help article.)
Click 'Advanced' in the 'Section Settings'
In the Anchor Tag field, input the anchor tag you added in the URL section in the previous step, however do not include the # in front. Example: engagements

Save or publish your page. You can test the anchor tag you set up by clicking on the 'Preview' button in the top right hand corner of the Page Builder. For further information on previewing your page, please reference the Preview Your Page guide.