Project Setup - Budgets

Project Setup - Budgets

How to create and configure the budget tool

Budgets can be configured and placed onto Pages.

To configure Budgets:

  1. Log in to your Social Pinpoint Admin site

  2. Follow the guide below to configure the various settings and options

Log in to your Social Pinpoint Admin site

Follow the guide below to configure the various settings and options

Select a current project using the edit button on the welcome screen or create a new project

Click Budgets in the Tools Settings menu on the left

Click 'New Budget' or edit an existing budget.

Note: Budgets will switch from DRAFT to LIVE when the budget has responses. You will not be able to make some edits when the budget is Live (you might need to delete test budget responses)


Name: Enter a name for your budget

Budget Type: Select the voting type of your budget, one of the following:

  • Voting

  • Knapsack

  • Slider





Max Value: Enter the maximum value this budget can take

Min Value: Enter the minimum value this budget can take

*On Knapsack type only - Max Items: Enter the maximum votes allowed on a Knapsack budget

*On Knapsack type only - Min Items: Enter the minimum votes allowed on a Knapsack budget

Initial Value: The value you want to appear on the budget option when the budget is viewed by a stakeholder for the first time (recommended to be kept at zero).

Minimum value: The minimum amount of value a stakeholder can assign to the budget option

Maximum value: The maximum amount of value a stakeholder can assign to the budget option


Advanced settings for the budget setup.

See tooltips ? next to each option for details.

Budget Item Layout: Stacked are items displayed down the page. Compact are items displayed across the page.

Columns: How the budget items are displayed in columns.

Thank You Message: Displays to users when feedback is submitted on the budget.

ℹ️ Require Email and Show Email selected by default when creating a new budget.

Budget Items

Click +Add Budget Item on the right-hand side.

Name: Enter a name for this budget item

Description: Enter a description for this budget item

*Value: Enter a value for this Knapsack budget item

Image: Upload an image to be displayed with this budget item

Repeat for additional items for users to select from within the budget

Email Notifications

This is the email notification users will receive when submitted their budget response

Subject/Title of the email and the email body can be customized

Save: This will save the budget to the project

Preview: This is how the budget will appear to a user

Adding the Budget to a Project Page

  • In the page builder tool, add a new widget

  • Select the Budget Widget in the left-hand menu

  • Edit the title of the budget on the page

  • Select from the dropdown menu, the budget that was created for the project.

  • Navigate to the Done button in the top right and Publish your work.

In the page builder tool, add a new widget

Select the Budget Widget in the left-hand menu

Edit the title of the budget on the page

Select from the dropdown menu, the budget that was created for the project.

Navigate to the Done button in the top right and Publish your work.

Adding the Budget to the Engagement Widget

  • In the page builder tool, add a new widget

  • Select the Engagement Widget in the left-hand menu

  • Select the engagement you'd like to edit

  • Select Budget from the dropdown menu, then select the budget that was created for the project.

  • Navigate to the Done button in the top right and Publish your work.

In the page builder tool, add a new widget

Select the Engagement Widget in the left-hand menu

Select the engagement you'd like to edit

Select Budget from the dropdown menu, then select the budget that was created for the project.

Navigate to the Done button in the top right and Publish your work.


The 'votes' style of budget allows a user to select a given number (or range) of options from a list, where each item is considered to be equal or value is not important


The 'knapsack' style of budget allows a user to select options from a list where each item has a value. The budget will have a maximum value that can be allocated across all selected options, and may also have limits placed on the number of options that can be selected (regardless of value)


This style of budget allowed users to adjust a slider tool dependant on their feedback