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Comment Moderation and Review
Amy Truran avatar
Written by Amy Truran
Updated over a week ago

The following guide outlines the steps involved in moderating and reviewing incoming comment data.

✅ Reviewing responses on a daily or weekly basis reduces the workload at the end of a project and helps to keep you up to date with incoming responses



Social Pinpoint Definitions (Comments)


Comments that have been 'Reviewed' have been read and acknowledged by site administrators/ moderators.

Approve Image

Images contained in comments will not be visible until approved.

Mask Profanity

Comment text that has been 'Masked' is left visible but inappropriate content has been converted to a random string of characters eg @#$%&.

Masking is generally used in relation to profanity when you would like the comment to remain visible but want certain words removed.


Comments that have been 'Moderated' have been removed from the mapping interface and are no longer visible to the public.

The comment data is still visible to system Administrators when logged in to the admin site.

To view your project(s) comments:

  1. Log in to your Social Pinpoint Admin site

  2. In the main title bar click the Responses option:

The Responses page shows a list of all comments received for your project(s)

Quick filters listed at the top of the page include:

  • Date selector - View responses for a specific day or date range

  • Action Required - View responses that require your attention eg. photo approval

  • Not Reviewed - View responses that have not yet been reviewed

  • All -View all responses

Next to each responses you can use the below icon to access quick actions including:

  • Review (Reviewed, Approve Image, Mask Profanity, Moderated)

  • Tag

Immediately, you will be taken to the "Action Required Section". This section containts comments that have been auto-moderated

Filters allows you to only see responses you are interested in or search for specific responses.

Use the filters at the top of the table to

  • Only show responses that have a selected Marker Type

  • Only show responses that have a selected Comment Tag value

  • Only show responses on a particular layer

You can also search for a specific response or customise the filters available using the 'columns' menu.

Density View allows you to view the responses with more detail or in a compact view.

To Review/ Moderate responses:

  1. Click the response or over over the icon

  2. Follow the steps below to update as required

Clicking the response title will open a pop-up containing more details and options.

This window will show the following:

  • Type of response (comment, survey, discussion)

  • Stakeholder details (email, IP address, device details)

  • The response including marker type, date, time and likes/dislikes

  • View on Map - this will take you to where the response was made on the map

  • Export - this will export the data for that particular response

  • Delete - this will remove all data associated with this response (not recommended)

  • Review options (see terms at the top of this page)

  • Tags - you can apply and existing tag or create a new one

  • Response - You can officially and publicly respond to this response

  • Notes - internal notes for your admin/moderation team

Response Tags

Response Tags can be configured for each project and are used by Administrators to categorize the incoming responses resulting in a more useful collated data set at the end of a project.

Response tags can be applied to an individual response or be completed as a bulk operation.

Tags can be pre-created before a consultation or created in the response screen.

Attached Photo

If a photo has been uploaded with a comment it must be approved before it is publicly visible.

When viewing your response table, if a response contains an image it will contain a status 'has photo'.

To approve, click the response and check the 'Approve Image' option.

⚠️If Photo approved is left un-ticked and Reviewed is selected the 'awaiting approval' icon will no longer be shown with the comment and the photo will be hidden.

Review Actions

Reviewed: Select when the response has been read and acknowledged by site administrators/ moderators.

Mask Profanity: If profanity has been detected you can chose to un-select Moderated and instead just 'mask' the inappropriate content with random characters. (eg #$%^&) the rest of the comment content will remain visible.

Moderated: removes the comment from the mapping interface so it is no longer visible to the public. This is automatically set on detection of profanity and should be used to remove any abusive or inappropriate content from the site. The comment data is still visible to system Administrators when logged in to the admin site.

Approve Image: If Photo approved is left un-ticked and Reviewed is selected the 'awaiting approval' icon will no longer be shown with the comment and the photo will be hidden.

Response Text: Use this section to add a response to the posted comment. The response text will be visible to the public and shown below the original comment.

An email notification containing the response will be sent to the comment owner.

If discussions are enabled for a certain marker type (see Project Setup - Marker Types) it allows other users to comment directly on the existing comment or Info Marker.

Individual responses to comments made within a discussion can be achieved by viewing the comment and filling out the Response Text.

Review Notes: Use this section to add any internal notes about the response; e.g. 'For follow-up...'. Text entered in the review notes section is not made publicly visible or emailed to the administrator/moderator.

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