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Account Reports
Amy Truran avatar
Written by Amy Truran
Updated over a week ago

Project Reports can provide visual insight into the feedback you have received on your project.

To access your Project Report;

  • Log in to your Social Pinpoint Admin site

  • Follow the guide below to configure the various settings and options.

As an Account Admin, you can view account-wide reports to see how projects are tracking.

Select reports in the blue bar in the top menu.

Here you can see a break-down of the incoming feedback on all or selected project.

Use the drop-down menu to select the projects you would like to view.

On the left, you will see various reporting options including;

Categories over time: These reports can help you determine what time and days you are receiving the most feedback and what type of feedback it is.

Category Totals: Pie Chart breaking down the marker types used in your Ideas Wall or Map project.

Tag Totals: Pie Chart braking down any tags you have applied to your responses

All reports can be exported in a number of formats by selecting the Icon in the top right of the chart.

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