Exporting Budget Response Data to CSV (Excel) | Social Pinpoint Classic Help Center

The following instructions relate to exporting Budget Response data into csv (Excel) format.

To export your Budget Data:

  1. Log in to your Social Pinpoint Admin site

  2. Select a project from the Project List

  3. Select Budgets from the setup screen (under project tools)

  4. Select Results

  5. On the Budget page, select the 'Export CSV' option on the top right of the page

Log in to your Social Pinpoint Admin site

Select a project from the Project List

Select Budgets from the setup screen (under project tools)

Select Results

On the Budget page, select the 'Export CSV' option on the top right of the page

The resulting csv file can be opened in Excel for further analysis and reporting

Details on the information exported are as follows:

Tables can't be imported directly. Please insert an image of your table which can be found here.




The name of the parent project against which the budget was completed

Budget Name

The name of the budget

Created On

The date and time that this Budget Response was created


The email address of the stakeholder who submitted the response


True of False based on whether the stakeholder is a registered user

Response Values

The individual answers of this response - each budget item will have a True or False value based on whether or not the item was selected, and if the Budget Item had a corresponding value this will also be displayed