The following instructions relate to exporting project data into csv (Excel) format.
To export your Survey Data:
Log in to your Social Pinpoint Admin site
In the main title bar click the Responses option
On the Responses page, select the 'Export' option on top right of the page
You will then be sent an email allowing you to download your export (Please ensure you check your junk/spam folder if you haven't received the email. Additionally your internal IT team may have blocks in place preventing the email from being delivered.)
Log in to your Social Pinpoint Admin site
In the main title bar click the Responses option
On the Responses page, select the 'Export' option on top right of the page
You will then be sent an email allowing you to download your export (Please ensure you check your junk/spam folder if you haven't received the email. Additionally your internal IT team may have blocks in place preventing the email from being delivered.)
The resulting csv file can be opened in Excel for further analysis and reporting.

Details on the information exported are as follows:
Tables can't be imported directly. Please insert an image of your table which can be found here.
The name of the parent project against which the survey was completed
Map Layer
For those surveys that are completed against a specific map feature/shape, Map Feature will contain the name of the parent layer (if configured) of the feature/shape that was clicked to invoke the survey
Map Feature
For those surveys that are completed against a specific map feature/shape, Map Feature will contain the name of the shape (if configured) that was clicked to invoke the survey
For those surveys that have been completed against an Info Marker, Marker will contain the Summary that was entered for the Info Marker when it was created
GeoSurvey Step
For those surveys that have been completed as part of a user dropping a marker - and for projects in which a GeoSurvey is active - GeoSurvey Step will contain the name of the GeoSurvey step in which the marker was dropped
Survey Name
The name of the survey (as configured)
Created On
The date and time at which the survey response was submitted
For those surveys that have been completed as part of a user dropping a marker, Type will contain the name of the Marker Type that was dropped
First Name
The first name of the respondent
Last Name
The last name of the respondent
The email of the respondent
IP Address
The IP address of the machine on which the respondent submitted the survey
Response Values
A column is created for each question and option created for the survey, containing the value entered per response. Response values are appended identified by:
a combination of the name and value (.e.g: "QuestionName - OptionValue") for questions that have been defined as Checkbox or Rank questions
the name of the question for all other question types
a combination of the name and value (.e.g: "QuestionName - OptionValue") for questions that have been defined as Checkbox or Rank questions
the name of the question for all other question types
For image question types, a link to the uploaded image is included as the response value
Tag Values
A column is created for each tag defined with the project, and populated with the tag value itself for those responses that have been associated with a specific tag
Filter your search by Date Range:
Click on "All Time"

And then select using a Date Range