This section explains how to log in to your Social Pinpoint project(s) admin site.
Navigate to your admin login screen which will be structured based on the subdomain selected for your account eg.

If you have forgotten your password click the 'Forgot your password?' link, re-enter your email and password reset instructions will be sent to the account specified.

Upon logging in you will be directed to the Welcome Page. From here you can find links to create new projects, edit existing projects, access the Social Pinpoint set up guide documentation and the support portal.

The current projects section allows for a summary of projects to be seen at a glance.
These projects are able to be filtered by their status in the top right hand corner.
When a project title is clicked it will navigate to the Dashboard which contains a snapshot of the public activity across that project. From here you can also access the edit and settings options for that project.
On each project you will notice a different amount of icons depending on the state of the project.
Edit: This will take you to Settings for that project where you can begin editing.
Clone: This will create a duplicate of the project.
Responses: If the project has received comments this will take you to the list of responses.
Reports: This will take you to the reports related to the project.
Preview: This will show the project in its current state while you are in the setup state.
View: Opens the public project site in a new browser tab.

🎓 Tips from the Social Pinpoint Team 🎓
If you think you haven't received the email in a sufficient amount of time, ensure you check your junk/spam folder.