Project Setup - Information Markers
How to create and configure information markers
Social Pinpoint allows you to configure Information (or Admin) Markers that can only be selected/ dragged onto the map by Administrators when logged into the system and are useful for displaying information related to areas on the map.
Example uses may include:
Show proposed changes (including images) to a place, building, road etc
Display information or images related to an existing space, building, road etc within the project area
Communicate information about upcoming projects or events
Show proposed changes (including images) to a place, building, road etc
Display information or images related to an existing space, building, road etc within the project area
Communicate information about upcoming projects or events
To place an Information Marker:
Log in to your Social Pinpoint Admin site
Follow the guide below to configure Information Markers
Log in to your Social Pinpoint Admin site
Follow the guide below to configure Information Markers
Select a current project or create a new project using the edit button on the Welcome Screen.
Click Marker Types in the Information Settings menu on the left and select New Category (or edit an existing marker)

From your list of Marker types you can quickly view which categories are Info Markers, allow discussions/voting or have a survey attached.
Name: Enter a name for the Information Marker, a brief one or two word description of what information you're trying to present, this can be something generic like "Information" or "Image"
Marker Color: Select from the list of available colors (available colors will depend on your subscription level)
Marker Icon: Select a marker icon from the list shown (Note: If an icon you want is not available and you would like a custom icon please contact Social Pinpoint and make a request)
Enable Discussion: Allows users to start a discussion on this marker
Viewable in legend: Selecting this option displays the marker icon and name in the map legend
Marker type can be voted on: Selecting this will enable the option for users to Like/Dislike the popup information.
Make this an Information Marker: Tick this option to enable the Marker as an Information Marker (only administrators will be able to drag and drop info markers onto the map)
Marker Type is toggled off by default: This is where you select if you want the Information Marker to be toggled off by default
Click Create Category and once the icon is shown click View Map

Once an Information Marker is created under Marker Types your project site will display the option to switch to "Info Markers". This is only viewable to admin users who are signed in prior to viewing the site.
Toggle Info Markers

Once Info Markers has been toggled the marker(s) created in Marker Types will appear.
This can then be dragged onto any location on the map

The Information Marker Entry form will then appear- this is where you add the information (text/images) you would like to display
Summary: This text will only appear as a summary in the sidebar and activity feed
Information: Text can be entered and formatted here via the rich texteditor. The rich text editor can also be used to upload photos and videos. To upload an image or video. For example, after clicking the Insert Image icon a box where you can drag or browse for your file will appear.
Once selected click Insert and the image will upload and appear in the rich text editor
✅ Tip: Clicking the "< >" symbol with enable the HTML text editor
Additional photos can also be uploaded via adding as an attachment (supports .png, .jpg/.jpeg and .gif). Photos uploaded as an attachment appear to the left on the Information Marker (see below)
Click Submit

Once submitted the Information Marker will be visible by the public
As an Account or Project Admin, you can see the option to edit and also relocate an Information Marker once it's been placed onto the map

⚠️ Please note that Information Markers apply to Maps ONLY. They do not apply to Ideas Walls