Stakeholder Engagement Summary Dashboard | Social Pinpoint Classic Help Center

Stakeholder Engagement Summary Dashboard 

The Stakeholder Engagement Summary Dashboard shows a live graphical overview of the project data. The total visits and unique users data is derived from Google Analytics software.

⚠️Because Social Pinpoint doesn't force logins on public projects the statistics are not 100% accurate. In some cases, if a user keeps their browser tab open over a day on our map they can generate new visits without new sessions causing Unique Users to be higher than Total Visits.

Engagement information displayed includes:

  • Stakeholder visits and interactions with the Social Pinpoint site

  • Graphs of stakeholder traffic and usage by day

  • Distribution of comments by type and tag

  • A Word/Tag Cloud based on incoming comment content

  • A summary of the most popular comments based on stakeholder interaction

Stakeholder visits and interactions with the Social Pinpoint site

Graphs of stakeholder traffic and usage by day

Distribution of comments by type and tag

A Word/Tag Cloud based on incoming comment content

A summary of the most popular comments based on stakeholder interaction

Tables can't be imported directly. Please insert an image of your table which can be found here.

Total Visits

Unique Users

Average Time

Unique Stakeholders


Survey Responses

The total number of visits to your project site

The total number of unique people viewing your site (generally determined by using the same browser)

The average time people are spending on the site viewing and interacting with the project

The number of people who are interacting with the site (adding comments / answering surveys)

The total number of comments on your site

The total number of survey responses on your site

Project Timeframe

Popular Comments