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Social Pinpoint FAQs
Social Pinpoint FAQs

Frequently Asked Question for Social PInpoint

How do I generate a QR code for my project?
How do I clone my survey?
Survey Feature Comparison
How do I clone my Page?
Can I set up a domain forward or redirect for my Social Pinpoint account?
Using Survey Variables / Survey Piping
Can stakeholders submit more than one up/down vote per comment?
How do I delete comments or survey responses
How Do I Integrate with Zoom
How are Ranking Question Results Calculated
How To Prevent/Allow Pin Drops in the Map?
How do I enable two finger scroll when a map is embedded
How do I delete my project?
How do I share my project internally for review
How do I grey out the non-project area?
Auto-Detect or Lock a Language
How do I embed Social Pinpoint tools into my website
Change Marker Clustering Settings
Can I clone/copy my project?
Does Social Pinpoint support multi-language?
Can users switch between satellite and street view?
User Permission Levels
How do I convert my GIS data to WGS84 - EPSG:4326
How can I add new users to my account
Do you integrate with any other engagement tools?
Can I connect my Social Pinpoint site to my website analytics - [Google Analytics]?
Do you have a sample set of common Terms & Conditions for Social Pinpoint projects?
How do I activate my project so that people can see it? [make my project live]
Can I change the domain name URL (link) to my project?
Can I create a private / internal project?
How do I change the order of my legend?
How do I 'hide' all comments from the public but still keep them saved for admin use?
How do I tag a link with a Zone (Layer) or Sidebar ID in the welcome info?
How do I highlight my points/marker layers?
How do I enable/disable social media (facebook/twitter) from my project?
How do I convert a SHP Shapefile file to GeoJSON
How does Social Pinpoint work on mobile devices?
How do I close my project when I don't want any more comments/ survey responses?
How do I delete or move Information Markers
What is the character count limit on my project?
What are the recommended image sizes per tool?
How to I remove the Terms & Conditions?